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Basal Body Temperature Chart Training ONE TIME OFFER 
GRAB THIS TRAINING FOR ONLY $27: Learn how to read your BBT chart the Chinese medicine way. Your charts have so much to tell you about your fertility beyond just when you’ve ovulated. They can reveal key imbalances so you can unlock the mystery of your fertility and implement solutions to create full cycle health and get pregnant. The more you understand about your health and fertility, the better equipped you are to turn it around!
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  • 1xThe Cycle Hacking System - Google Ads$47

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After 3 years of trying, at 43 years old I am pregnant after 3 cycles following the FAM method. She taught me how to track my cycle which helped take me off the devastating emotional roller coaster ride when I got my period.”

Diane P.
Naturally pregnant at 43

"After a few months of using the FAM method, my egg count more than doubled even though I was 3 years older!" I finally had a successful IVF cycle after 3 failed IUI’s, 2 failed IVFs, an ectopic pregnancy and endometriosis."

Devin V.
Successful IVF at 38

"I wasn't ovulating and was diagnosed with PCOS after going off the pill. My doctor pressured me to do IVF after my IUI didn't work. I wasn't ready for that so I tried FAM instead. I started ovulating and got pregnant naturally with my son, Michael!"

Michael's mother, Antonia L. 
Naturally pregnant with PCOS